Partial Super E carburetor kits do not include manifolds and are designed for the individual who purchases an S&S engine kit, which includes a manifold, or owns a bike that is presently equipped with a 1-7/8 inch S&S Super B carb and wishes to upgrade to an S&S Super E. If you need a carb for a bike with cylinders that are longer or shorter than stock, order the carb kit without the manifold, and order the correct manifold separately.
Fits 1984-'92 Harley-Davidson® big twin and 1986-'90 Sportster® models.
S&S® does not recommend polishing or chrome plating Super E & G carbs. Our repair department has seen many carbs with plugged passages due to polishing compounds,
and some carbs that have been destroyed because the polishing or chrome plating had altered critical machined surfaces.
Recommended for closed circuit use only—S&S Super E & G carbs shown are not approved for use on motor vehicles operated on California public highways, or in other states
where similar pollution laws may apply. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her use and shall assume all risk and liability in connection therewith.
Not legal for sale or use on CA or EPA pollution controlled motorcycles.