S&S Cycle has a long history of racing, performance innovations, setting records, and leading the powersports industry. In addition, S&S has a pretty cool history of creating some powerful, historic moments in the V-twin world.

There was the 145 Tour—celebrating the S&S 45th anniversary with builders creating custom creations around a 145ci V-series engine. Then there was the S&S Shovelhead Tour with a look back to the nostalgia of a beautiful engine. Things ramped up with the S&S 124 Tour where builders were pitted against each other in a build—and drag race—which inspired the AHRDA to create a class just for S&S Cycle 124ci engines. Then there was the S&S Cycle 50th Anniversary Celebration, bringing 50 of the world’s best custom builders to La Crosse, Wisconsin, to compete against each other—and be judged by each other—in the biggest build-off the world had ever seen. But, then, for some reason, the tours stopped. The v-twin industry became solitary, in sort of every man (or woman) for himself approach, fueled by the instant response of social media. We said, if we are the leader in the powersports industry, we need to show the industry we really are, and the 2025 S&S Vintage Tour was born.

Six extremely talented, incredibly diverse builders were asked to be teammates on a project that will invigorate the creative juices of the custom industry. They were asked to put solitary promotion aside and become the leaders of making custom bikes fun again—as a team.

And on February 28, 2025 in Daytona Beach, Florida, these six builders will unveil their creations at the S&S Cycle display in the J&P Cycles lot at Destination Daytona.